Where to eat Pho in Hoi An
Where to eat Pho in Hoi An
Pho is said to originate from the north of Vietnam and then it had been spread to the centre and the south with many adjustments to satisfy the taste of local people. In addition, in Hoi An, lots of people have a habit of having a bowl of pho for breakfast or lunch at small eateries. If you are a foodie, don’t forget to put pho on your list of must-try dishes in the town.
While food stores in several regions of Vietnam offer diners pho ga (chicken noodle soup) and pho bo (beef noodle soup), those in Hoi An only serve pho bo. And It tastes light, a bit sweet and aromatic. Chewy noodles are dried under the sunlight before being dipped in the hot water. Beside the noodles, a bowl of pho is then added with thit bo tai (rare beef) or tai nam (a mix of cooked and rare beef), fried onions and crushed peanuts. And each bowl will be served with fresh herbs, slices of pickled green papaya and roasted dried chili flakes. Before tasting it, diners will mix them with tuong den (hoisin sauce), or bot (powder chili) or tuong ot (hot chili sauce).
Since, you may have difficulty finding a pho store in the town centre. Because they are mostly in the surroundings of the town. If you have time, try to get the best pho experience in the following dining places:
Pho Lien (Lien Restaurant)
Photo by Ho Tri Quyen
It has built its reputation for pho made following a special recipe of the owner, Mr. Lien. The recipe has been passed down to the families of his sons and daughters . Thereofe, they open new stores such as Pho Vu, Pho Tuan, and Pho Tien.
They serve a truly authentic pho with the broth full of aroma and great texture of the beef. And a baguette with fried meat may be served with pho and costs an additional 5,000 dong. The store is usually packed with local people during breakfast and lunch hours. So, you may share the table with other customers and enjoy the local atmosphere.
Address: No 25, Le Loi Street, Minh An District, Hoi An
Opening time: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
Price: VND20,000-VND50,000
Pho Tung (Tung Restaurant)
Located in a small alley, the restaurant is a popular spot for local diners. A bowl of pho here is very delicious and colourful with clear broth and fresh ingredients prepared. In addition, the owner and the staff are very friendly and the service is good. You can choose to dine indoors or outdoors in its beautiful garden.
Address: No 51/7, Phan Chau Trinh Street, Minh An District, Hoi An
Opening time: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
Price: from VND20,000
Pho Gieng Dinh (Gieng Dinh Restaurant)
On Phan Chau Trinh Street, the store is small but clean and neat. In addtion, the owner takes the water from the well to cook pho that makes it taste different from others. And it is usually crowded with local people in the early morning for breakfast.
Address: No 21, Phan Chau Trinh Street
Opening time: daily
Pho Da (Da Restaurant)
It is the perfect place for eating pho in the evening after one day wandering around the town. Like other eateries, it offers light-tasting pho with fresh herbs from nearby Tra Que Vegetable Village.
Address: No 29, Hung Vuong Street
Opening time: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
Price: VND20,000-30,000
Pho 339 (Restaurant 339)
Photo by Clay Hackett
If you are on the way to Cua Dai beach, stop by the restaurant to kick start your day with a bowl of pho cooked in the Hoi An style. And their pho has a similar flavour with those in other places but still has something, which creates the difference.
Address: No 339, Cua Dai Street, Hoi An
Opening time: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
Price: VND20,000-30,000
Hoi An is not only famous for its traditional food including com ga (chicken rice), mi Quang (Quang noodles) and cao lau (brown noodles with pork and greens) but also for other dishes originating from various regions in the country such as pho. Therefore, do not miss your chance to try it to feel the difference with the original one when you are in the town.
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